Strategic Research

Wave Energy Cluster Concept Design

Blackfish Engineering Design Ltd

WES has commissioned Blackfish Engineering Design to investigate design characteristics and create a high-level concept for a wave energy converter (WEC) cluster platform.

Economic Impact of Wave Energy in Scotland

University of Edinburgh

This report highlights the economic potential of wave energy to Scotland and the UK, through local deployments and global exports, culminating with policy recommendations to achieve this.

Wave and Floating Wind Energy - Cost Benefit Analysis

OWC Ltd.

A technoeconomic study looking at wind and wave sharing opportunities, including wider benefits and socio-economic considerations.

Alternative Generation Technologies

Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd

This study identified and analysed potential alternative generation technologies for use in wave energy that may provide an opportunity for a step change reduction in the delivered cost of energy.

Very Large Scale Wave Energy Generation

Ove Arup & Partners Ltd

This report describes a study into the potential of very large scale (10MW+) Wave Energy Converters (WECs), which aims to quantify opportunities and provide recommendations for a future approach.

Cost Reduction in Supporting Infrastructure - Moorings and Foundations

TTI Marine Renewables Ltd

This study gives an overview of the current landscape while exploring the potential of mooring and foundation innovations to make an impact on reducing the cost of energy for wave energy converters.

Cost Reduction in Supporting Infrastructure - Electrical Connection

TNEI Services Ltd

An investigation into wave farm electrical connection infrastructure that aims to identify cost reduction opportunities specific to the electrical connection infrastructure that will improve LCOE.

Control Requirements for Wave Energy Converters

Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Exploration of WEC control requirements in both generalised and control-centric terms so as to encourage engagement with the wider control engineering community.

Application of Technology, Knowledge and Practice from other Sectors

Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

An assessment on the technological challenges facing the wave energy sector and of the cross-sector potential for technology transfer with large potential for improvement in WEC subsystems.

Structural Forces and Stresses for Wave Energy Devices

Ove Arup & Partners Ltd

Guidance on the application of existing methods and standards relevant to the design and analysis of WEC devices.

Structural Materials, Coatings and Manufacturing Processes

University of Edinburgh

Exploration of the use of materials, coatings and structures in the wider engineering and industrial sectors that may be relevant to the progression of wave energy technology.