
EuropeWave is a Horizon2020 funded programme, delivered by Ente Vasco de la Energía and WES, to develop and deploy multiple pre-commercial WEC systems in Scotland and the Basque region.


Arrecife Energy Systems

Arrecife's technology consists of a novel floating trimaran platform which supports a number of cross-flow turbines.


AMOG Consulting Ltd

The AMOG Sea Saw WEC technology consists of two hulls hinged together, each with its own rolling mass power take-off (PTO) on a curved track.

emWave: Electroactive Membrane Wave Energy Converter

Bombora Wave Power Europe Ltd

The emWave project aimed to utilise dielectric elastomeric generators on a floating version of the Bombora mWave.

ACHIEVE - Advanced CETO for High Impact and Efficiency Vaidation in Europe

CETO Wave Energy Ireland Ltd

The ACHIEVE Project intends to deliver a CETO wave energy converter which implements the learning from previous device iterations to optimises performance, cost and survivability

MARMOK Atlantic Project

IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture S.A.U

The project intends to deliver significant innovations in the air turbine power take off (PTO), which will be applied to the MARMOK oscillating water column technology.

Blue Horizon

Mocean Energy Ltd

Mocean intends to deliver a WEC which continues to optimise performance, availability, survivability and affordability through innovations in the geometry and use of a Vernier Hybrid Machine PTO.

ASAP - The Waveram: a highly Available, Survivable, Affordable and Performing wave energy technology

Waveram Ltd

Waveram's technology consists of a large, single body spar buoy that is designed for utility scale arrays to drive air through an air turbine.