EuropeWave is a Horizon2020 funded programme, delivered by Ente Vasco de la Energía and WES, to develop and deploy multiple pre-commercial WEC systems in Scotland and the Basque region.
Arrecife Energy Systems
Fundación Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria
Arrecife Energy Systems proposed a novel design to convert the ocean waves into electrical power, which took inspiration from observations of nature - in particular, coral reefs which absorb the energy from breaking waves. Their wave energy converter design is based on a floating trimaran platform, which supports a number of cross-flow turbines that are each connected to an electric generator and extract the energy from the waves. It is a scalable, modular system, with Arrecife's ambition being to develop this into a system that is adapted to be used for grid electricity production at high energy sites such as BIMEP and EMEC.
A number of innovations were proposed in the EuropeWave programme that included eliminating the immersion system and redesigning the floating platform, the positioning of the turbines on the platform, and the power take off (PTO) system.
Prior to entry into the programme, there was an hyothesis that this WEC arrangement could lead to high capacity factors. Although the complexity of the system and the inherent challenges with modelling it at a small scale meant it was not possible to reliably evidence these high capacity factors during the physical tank testing and numerical modelling which took place within the project, but Arrecife were still able to substantially progress their WEC concept. Their understanding of the baseline design was greatly enhanced, leading to a refinement of the performance and availability estimates for the system, and consequently a more enticing estimate for LCOE.
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EuropeWave is a Horizon2020 funded programme, delivered by Ente Vasco de la Energía and WES, to develop and deploy multiple pre-commercial WEC systems in Scotland and the Basque region.
Wave Energy Scotland was created by request of the Scottish Government. Discover our purpose, our procurement model and more about our team.