Blue Horizon




In Progress



Lead contractor

Mocean Energy Ltd


Rockall Research Ltd
Blackfish Engineering Design Ltd
Fountain Design Ltd
MaxSim Ltd
Morek Engineering Ltd


Mocean’s EuropeWave project builds further upon its recognisable wave energy converter (WEC) architecture established and proven via the Blue X deployment in the WES Novel WEC programme. The Blue Horizon project once again utilises a hinged raft with forward and aft wave channels and has been geometrically optimised using Mocean’s in-house expertise.

The two key improvements which are expected to lead to improvements in power performance, availability, survivability and affordability are the design optimisation of the wave channels at the ends of WEC, and the use of a Vernier Hybrid Machine (VHM) direct drive power take-off (PTO) which is able to convert mechanical power to electrical at very low speeds with high efficiency.

As part of the project, Mocean have been investigating WEC scale and possible commercial market opportunities, with a concept developed which would be applicable for medium to large scale environments that incorporates innovative features to maximise AEP and builds upon the success of the state-of-the-art Blue X prototype.

The longer term commercial applications for the WEC developed in EuropeWave can include continuous power delivery, and diesel replacement for a variety of off grid applications covering offshore platforms, offshore aquaculture, remote communities, islands and remote resorts.

Phase 1

July 2022

In this Phase, Mocean has progressed on the various subsystems, building confidence and leading to a robust basis of design. The main focus of activities was on a number of key areas, comprising:

  • Optimisation of a time domain numerical model refine geometry and PTO parameters
  • Tank testing in both performance and survival seas, subject to an independent third party review
  • Refinement of the conceptual design for the WEC structure, PTO, electrical, mooring and control systems, utilising learnings from the recent deployment of the Blue X in the WES NWEC programme
  • Investigation of a strategy for installation, operations and maintenance of a larger structure at either of the EuropeWave Phase 3 deployment locations
  • Developing a commercial strategy based on research and engagement with potential suppliers and partners.

Phase 2

June 2023

This Phase involved developing a front end engineering design (FEED) of the main WEC systems, alongside a continued pursuing commercial and technical development, particularly across power performance, availability, reliability, and affordability. The design and operational strategies were each subject to an independent third party review to comment on the credibility of the proposal, ahead of a preliminary and critical design review with EuropeWave and the project team. Key areas of focus for the project included:

  • A geometry ‘freeze’, following a final optimisation step
  • Further proving the Vernier Hybrid Machine (VHM) PTO at larger scale
  • Implementing reliability measures via modularity, redundancy, and more detailed operational design considerations
  • Refining costings across all work packages to meet commercial targets

Where to next?

Explore our other programmes, or find out more about how we operate.


EuropeWave is a Horizon2020 funded programme, delivered by Ente Vasco de la Energía and WES, to develop and deploy multiple pre-commercial WEC systems in Scotland and the Basque region.

Wave Technology

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Wave Energy Scotland was created by request of the Scottish Government. Discover our purpose, our procurement model and more about our team.


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