Advanced Concrete Engineering – WEC (“ACE-WEC”)
Quoceant Ltd
The Advance Concrete Engineering – WEC project is designed to yield step reductions in the added manufacturing costs of concrete WEC structures.
This programme investigated if it is possible to make a step change impact in LCOE by constructing typical WEC devices from alternative materials to those traditionally used, such as steel.
The Advance Concrete Engineering – WEC project is designed to yield step reductions in the added manufacturing costs of concrete WEC structures.
The CREATE project investigates the use of concrete technology and the associated opportunity for it to make a step change in LCoE in the wave energy sector.
The RotoHybrid project aims to develop the materials and processing technology necessary to apply the versatile, lightweight polymer manufacturing process of rotational moulding to wave energy.
This targeted project assessed the potential application of new and existing rotational moulding technologies into wave energy converters.
ELASTO investigated the potential to reduce the cost of wave energy through use of deformable fabric/elastomeric structures for wave energy conversion.
The ARMOR project investigated patented rotational moulding composites, including strength-enhancing nano additives, anti-fouling composites, and integrated ‘health monitoring' self-sensing polymers.
This targeted project assessed the potential application of new and existing rotational moulding technologies to understand their potential LCOE impact when applied to WEC designs.
CorPower, Balmoral and Wave Venture combined their efforts to assess the viability of hybrid Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) applied to the specific case of a prime mover of point absorber WEC.
The RePOWER (Reinforced Polymers for Wave EneRgy) consortium assessed the use of reinforced polymers as the prime material for point absorber wave energy converters (WECs).
The project studied two areas TTI sees as key to achieve cost competitive wave energy – impermeable fabrics and fibre rope 'load nets', which together can provide a compliant, load resistant volume.
Guidance documents for entry into Stage 1 of the Structural Materials programme, which took place in 2016.